Why it is the $2 bill of course. Why would I post this? Well today I went to the store and as I was waiting for the woman to check out in front of me trouble begins. Her bill was $17.22. She hands the cashier 9 bills. The guy looks at it and hands it back asking for real cash. I about lost it.
The woman handed it back saying it is real money. The man accused her of trying to pass counterfeit bills. He went as far as to say that the only bills were the one, five, ten twenty, and one hundred dollar bill. At this point I had to pipe up. I asked innocently as I could "What about the fifty dollar bill?" He turned to me and said "You be quiet and don't make trouble, or else you will be in trouble too."
Now the way this person told me to be quiet, took me back for a moment and had me stunned. Then it really dawned on me. This person truly thought he had a counterfeiter on his hands. At this point the lady was furious demanding a manager. I don't blame her. The manager comes up, and I sware this kid could not be out of college yet. He agrees with the cashier. Now while the three argue I look around for a camera. I am thinking there is no way in hell this is real.
Thing escalate and the woman has plenty of other cash to pay with but she is holding firm. No way is she going to be told her $2 bills are not legal tender. They had just come from the bank. Just when I think I saw it all the police show up. I am thinking great this will be over now, so I can get my Pops and go home. Then I am nearly floored with laughter. The cop says they are counterfeit too, because there is no $2 bill. I could not stop laughing.
The officer looks at me and asks if there was a problem, and I responded with "I never knew they let morons in the police department now." This started a back and forth between the officer and I, and I finally remarked. "Your right you have a huge counterfeiting ring here. You better call the secret service." Mind you there are more people joining in the conversations from all sides.
Salvation finally shows up in the form of a police sergeant who came in looked at the bills for about two seconds, then pulls out his I Phone and shows the cashier, manager, and the cop that there is indeed a $2 bill. I could not stop laughing. The cashier gives the lady her change, she leaves, then it is my turn. I pay with my debit card and request $2.00 cash back. The guy goes to hand me singles. I say "No I want a $2 bill." Would you believe the moron said they had no $2.00 bills? He did. I said some curt words and walked out with my Pops and my new crisp $2.00 bill.
Funny thing is I look at my receipt. I have two boxes of pops I was charged $.79 for a snickers bar...... I do not have a snickers bar.
Till next time
Blogger X
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Stop credit card fees?
Have you seen this yet? You go to 7-11 and they have these signs over the terminals that say stop excessive credit card fees, with a petition for you to sign to send to your congressmen. Now thinking at first glance this might be the evil credit card companies trying to take advantage of local businesses. Oh but there are problems with this.
See there are two ways credit card companies make money. There is the interest rate they charge the card holder, and by charging merchants a fee per transaction. In some cases, like bank check cards, this is the only way those companies make money is off the transactions.
So what would happen if these businesses get their way? Well We all know that these credit card companies would not sit idly by and lose so much income with out trying to get it from some where else. Hmmm who do you think that would be? You guessed it the consumers. So in an effort to make more profits these business want to pass their charges on to you the consumer.
Do yourselves a favor and do not sign this petition.
Blogger X
See there are two ways credit card companies make money. There is the interest rate they charge the card holder, and by charging merchants a fee per transaction. In some cases, like bank check cards, this is the only way those companies make money is off the transactions.
So what would happen if these businesses get their way? Well We all know that these credit card companies would not sit idly by and lose so much income with out trying to get it from some where else. Hmmm who do you think that would be? You guessed it the consumers. So in an effort to make more profits these business want to pass their charges on to you the consumer.
Do yourselves a favor and do not sign this petition.
Blogger X
Can we please stop filling up my news with Michael Jackson?
This post should ruffle a few feathers. Personally I am sick of all the attention being given to the death of Michael Jackson. Yes it is a shame that he died at the age of 50. He was a great entertainer, we know that too. He is also a child molester. Sure he was acquitted the one time he was charged, but people seem to forget he paid a settlement to keep one kid quiet in 1993. We at Unknown Blogger X have no tolerance for that. We have children....or do we?
Let me get into the meat of all this. MJ is dominating so many news posts and outlets and will continue to do so for many weeks if not months. Everyone and their mother is now putting out tributes. I admit I love Thriller. The only good thing about this is that I have seen the video three times over the last few days. He was a great performing and touched many people. However he also touched people in a way he should not have. We are still idolizing him. It leaves me on edge.
Another thing that concerns me is all this putting MJ on this high pedestal, what happens when it is published his long history of prescription drug use? Are we still going to hold him on this pedestal? I would hope not. Children do not need for people to idolize a pill popping, rich, child molester. It sends the wrong message.
Final point I will make which was something that just made me shake my head with disgust. Rev. Jesse Jackson made news today because he is now consoling the Jackson family. That is fine, but he made news because they were saying that they could not reach MJ's personal doctor Conrad Murray. Rev. Jesse Jackson went on to say and I quote: "The routine inquiry is now an investigation," Jesse Jackson said. "They (Jacksons) didn't know the doctor. He should have met with the family, given them comfort on the last hours of their son."
Or cover your own butt. If I was Conrad, I sure would not go to the family with a sudden death like that. I sure would not want to say something during a time of grief, especially to a powerful well known celebrity family like the Jackson family. I would do the same thing. Talk to police then, go find an attorney ASAP! I mean when ever someone like this dies people, mostly the media try to find someone at fault to generate more ratings. Look at what happened when Kieth Ledger died. I do not blame Conrad from stepping back and consulting with a lawyer first.
On a snide note about Rev. Jesse Jackson it seems he could not miss the opportunity to once again into the news. I am surprised that Rev. Al Sharpton has not jumped on the band wagon to join in the media attention. Not surprised one little bit. I think I will make a new post on my thoughts of why these civil rights leaders need to always need to be in the news.
Till the next post,
Unknown Blogger X
Let me get into the meat of all this. MJ is dominating so many news posts and outlets and will continue to do so for many weeks if not months. Everyone and their mother is now putting out tributes. I admit I love Thriller. The only good thing about this is that I have seen the video three times over the last few days. He was a great performing and touched many people. However he also touched people in a way he should not have. We are still idolizing him. It leaves me on edge.
Another thing that concerns me is all this putting MJ on this high pedestal, what happens when it is published his long history of prescription drug use? Are we still going to hold him on this pedestal? I would hope not. Children do not need for people to idolize a pill popping, rich, child molester. It sends the wrong message.
Final point I will make which was something that just made me shake my head with disgust. Rev. Jesse Jackson made news today because he is now consoling the Jackson family. That is fine, but he made news because they were saying that they could not reach MJ's personal doctor Conrad Murray. Rev. Jesse Jackson went on to say and I quote: "The routine inquiry is now an investigation," Jesse Jackson said. "They (Jacksons) didn't know the doctor. He should have met with the family, given them comfort on the last hours of their son."
Or cover your own butt. If I was Conrad, I sure would not go to the family with a sudden death like that. I sure would not want to say something during a time of grief, especially to a powerful well known celebrity family like the Jackson family. I would do the same thing. Talk to police then, go find an attorney ASAP! I mean when ever someone like this dies people, mostly the media try to find someone at fault to generate more ratings. Look at what happened when Kieth Ledger died. I do not blame Conrad from stepping back and consulting with a lawyer first.
On a snide note about Rev. Jesse Jackson it seems he could not miss the opportunity to once again into the news. I am surprised that Rev. Al Sharpton has not jumped on the band wagon to join in the media attention. Not surprised one little bit. I think I will make a new post on my thoughts of why these civil rights leaders need to always need to be in the news.
Till the next post,
Unknown Blogger X
This the end of the Jenna 6?
Here is one of those blogs that we were referring to that is great you have no idea who we are.
I have followed this around for some time. I will share my views on this and we will see what your reactions are. When I first saw this news break of the Jenna 6 I was glad that the 6 men were charged as heavily as they were. You have 6 people attacking one person. Beating to a bloody pulp. They put him in the hospital, and I feel charged justly. Attempted murder sounds about right to me.
Now after the punishment comes down for this disgusting crime against another person. Rev. Al Sharpton rails against this great injustice for these 6 black men that received to hard a punishment, for something that was instigated a few weeks earlier by white kids hanging nooses. Can we call BS here a moment.
Let's take a step back and look at it from another perspective. If it was 6 white men that were beating a black man to a bloody pulp, then the march would have been there rallying saying the punishment was to lenient. They need to be charged with a hate crime. So the reverend orchestrates a mass protest and effectively the town and the judge cave and give a lighter sentence. Can anyone else say crop of crap? These 6 young men pretty much got a free pass. They showed a gang mentality on someone who they now admit did not use a racial slur!
So how is this justice? How can we a country turn around and say this is fair? To recap it is OK for a gang of black kids to jump a white kid. It is hard to sit here and swallow a lot of this. Either things are fair across the board, or you can get off your high horse when ever there is perceived racism.
I take issue with some civil rights groups that try to use racism, or bigotry to their advantage to turn a situation that is not fair. Nowadays we are so damned politically correct the sheer notion of being perceived as a bigot, so we roll over.
Does anyone else feel that this screams of hypocrisy?
Blogger X
I have followed this around for some time. I will share my views on this and we will see what your reactions are. When I first saw this news break of the Jenna 6 I was glad that the 6 men were charged as heavily as they were. You have 6 people attacking one person. Beating to a bloody pulp. They put him in the hospital, and I feel charged justly. Attempted murder sounds about right to me.
Now after the punishment comes down for this disgusting crime against another person. Rev. Al Sharpton rails against this great injustice for these 6 black men that received to hard a punishment, for something that was instigated a few weeks earlier by white kids hanging nooses. Can we call BS here a moment.
Let's take a step back and look at it from another perspective. If it was 6 white men that were beating a black man to a bloody pulp, then the march would have been there rallying saying the punishment was to lenient. They need to be charged with a hate crime. So the reverend orchestrates a mass protest and effectively the town and the judge cave and give a lighter sentence. Can anyone else say crop of crap? These 6 young men pretty much got a free pass. They showed a gang mentality on someone who they now admit did not use a racial slur!
So how is this justice? How can we a country turn around and say this is fair? To recap it is OK for a gang of black kids to jump a white kid. It is hard to sit here and swallow a lot of this. Either things are fair across the board, or you can get off your high horse when ever there is perceived racism.
I take issue with some civil rights groups that try to use racism, or bigotry to their advantage to turn a situation that is not fair. Nowadays we are so damned politically correct the sheer notion of being perceived as a bigot, so we roll over.
Does anyone else feel that this screams of hypocrisy?
Blogger X
So many news topics to discuss so little time
Wow. I never thought my first true blog post I would be at a loss for what to actually address. Do I chose Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, the Jenna 6, or Mark Sanford.
Well let's roll the dice and chose one at random...... Oh interesting Mark Sanford.
I love this newest thing that has the political landscape scrambling. The Democrats are licking their lips smelling blood, and the GOP is trying to see about damage control. Now politicians and infidelity is nothing new. A good man once said the prostitution was the oldest profession, then game politicians, interesting how the two oldest professions are constantly interweaving. I personally have no sympathy for this guy. Not because he got caught or anything like that, but for those of you who may have forgotten. As a congressman, Sanford voted in favor of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, stating the need for "moral legitimacy."
I hate hypocrisy. Now what I am thinking here is perhaps he was not as outraged that Bill Clinton has an affair with an intern. In looking back now maybe he was jealous. Or perhaps Bill Clinton broke a secret code of politicians of not getting caught. Oh who am I kidding, we all know that it was political posturing back then. Who ever thought that oral satisfaction could cause so much trouble.
Back to the current state of things. Now do you think that Mr Sandford will do the right thing for "moral legitimacy." and step down? Oh no why should he do that? Why should he stand up for the same principals that he once stood on? Ahhh politics lately have been making me shake my head with amusement.
Now on the flip side of the coin I can understand falling out of love with a significant other. I was married once.... or was I? Yet I remember what it is like to fall out of love with someone, and have an infatuation with a new person. I can understand leaving that person for your new flame. I would hardly give it pause in this blog if he was not so adamant against Clinton when he was outed.
Yet the other kicker is the tax payers of South Carolina actually paid for his trip to infidelity. Opps got caught in Argentina on the tax payers dime boinking your mistress. Nice job! Yet I will have to wonder will he step down, or will something truly mind boggling happen? Will he be reelected?
That is a question to ponder another time.
Blogger X
Well let's roll the dice and chose one at random...... Oh interesting Mark Sanford.
I love this newest thing that has the political landscape scrambling. The Democrats are licking their lips smelling blood, and the GOP is trying to see about damage control. Now politicians and infidelity is nothing new. A good man once said the prostitution was the oldest profession, then game politicians, interesting how the two oldest professions are constantly interweaving. I personally have no sympathy for this guy. Not because he got caught or anything like that, but for those of you who may have forgotten. As a congressman, Sanford voted in favor of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, stating the need for "moral legitimacy."
I hate hypocrisy. Now what I am thinking here is perhaps he was not as outraged that Bill Clinton has an affair with an intern. In looking back now maybe he was jealous. Or perhaps Bill Clinton broke a secret code of politicians of not getting caught. Oh who am I kidding, we all know that it was political posturing back then. Who ever thought that oral satisfaction could cause so much trouble.
Back to the current state of things. Now do you think that Mr Sandford will do the right thing for "moral legitimacy." and step down? Oh no why should he do that? Why should he stand up for the same principals that he once stood on? Ahhh politics lately have been making me shake my head with amusement.
Now on the flip side of the coin I can understand falling out of love with a significant other. I was married once.... or was I? Yet I remember what it is like to fall out of love with someone, and have an infatuation with a new person. I can understand leaving that person for your new flame. I would hardly give it pause in this blog if he was not so adamant against Clinton when he was outed.
Yet the other kicker is the tax payers of South Carolina actually paid for his trip to infidelity. Opps got caught in Argentina on the tax payers dime boinking your mistress. Nice job! Yet I will have to wonder will he step down, or will something truly mind boggling happen? Will he be reelected?
That is a question to ponder another time.
Blogger X
What is this blog about?
Well let me start with the first blog explaining what I intend to do here. I am sick of trying to have logical conversations about observations I make without being labled a racist, sexist, homophobic, heretic, hell bent on causing discourse. I find way to often that I cannot discuss things that I see because we have become such a politically correct enviroment where the slightest slip up can labeled you one of the above.
Now I might be the only blogger here I might not be. I might be male, female, hermaphrodite, or trans sexual. I could be white, black, asian, or latino. No one will know. Even the person that has helped me start this and is in the process of creating a website for this blog does not know. This anonmity will allow me to post some things that are not politically correct, but since no one knows who Blogger X is you cannot say if they are one of the terms listed above or not.
Since my person is a blank slate one can only guess thus take out some proceived predujice. I mean in perspective if a white man was telling a black man that Rev. Al Sharpton was a bigot and a racist, might cause a bit of a response, no matter how true the statement would be.
I only ask one thing when responding, please try not to use vulgarity in your post responses. We know that the opinions expressed here in this blog will not be liked by all. We will respect your views and give a healthy debate, and we expect the same in return.
Thank you and happy reading,
Blogger X
Now I might be the only blogger here I might not be. I might be male, female, hermaphrodite, or trans sexual. I could be white, black, asian, or latino. No one will know. Even the person that has helped me start this and is in the process of creating a website for this blog does not know. This anonmity will allow me to post some things that are not politically correct, but since no one knows who Blogger X is you cannot say if they are one of the terms listed above or not.
Since my person is a blank slate one can only guess thus take out some proceived predujice. I mean in perspective if a white man was telling a black man that Rev. Al Sharpton was a bigot and a racist, might cause a bit of a response, no matter how true the statement would be.
I only ask one thing when responding, please try not to use vulgarity in your post responses. We know that the opinions expressed here in this blog will not be liked by all. We will respect your views and give a healthy debate, and we expect the same in return.
Thank you and happy reading,
Blogger X
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