Saturday, June 27, 2009

Can we please stop filling up my news with Michael Jackson?

This post should ruffle a few feathers. Personally I am sick of all the attention being given to the death of Michael Jackson. Yes it is a shame that he died at the age of 50. He was a great entertainer, we know that too. He is also a child molester. Sure he was acquitted the one time he was charged, but people seem to forget he paid a settlement to keep one kid quiet in 1993. We at Unknown Blogger X have no tolerance for that. We have children....or do we?

Let me get into the meat of all this. MJ is dominating so many news posts and outlets and will continue to do so for many weeks if not months. Everyone and their mother is now putting out tributes. I admit I love Thriller. The only good thing about this is that I have seen the video three times over the last few days. He was a great performing and touched many people. However he also touched people in a way he should not have. We are still idolizing him. It leaves me on edge.

Another thing that concerns me is all this putting MJ on this high pedestal, what happens when it is published his long history of prescription drug use? Are we still going to hold him on this pedestal? I would hope not. Children do not need for people to idolize a pill popping, rich, child molester. It sends the wrong message.

Final point I will make which was something that just made me shake my head with disgust. Rev. Jesse Jackson made news today because he is now consoling the Jackson family. That is fine, but he made news because they were saying that they could not reach MJ's personal doctor Conrad Murray. Rev. Jesse Jackson went on to say and I quote: "The routine inquiry is now an investigation," Jesse Jackson said. "They (Jacksons) didn't know the doctor. He should have met with the family, given them comfort on the last hours of their son."

Or cover your own butt. If I was Conrad, I sure would not go to the family with a sudden death like that. I sure would not want to say something during a time of grief, especially to a powerful well known celebrity family like the Jackson family. I would do the same thing. Talk to police then, go find an attorney ASAP! I mean when ever someone like this dies people, mostly the media try to find someone at fault to generate more ratings. Look at what happened when Kieth Ledger died. I do not blame Conrad from stepping back and consulting with a lawyer first.

On a snide note about Rev. Jesse Jackson it seems he could not miss the opportunity to once again into the news. I am surprised that Rev. Al Sharpton has not jumped on the band wagon to join in the media attention. Not surprised one little bit. I think I will make a new post on my thoughts of why these civil rights leaders need to always need to be in the news.

Till the next post,
Unknown Blogger X

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